About Us

Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh

He is the person behind Thai-India relationship and business. With his vision SCIC THAILAND CO., LTD. has open the office in India under the name
"SCIC TRADEX INDIA PVT., LTD."  To promote Thailand products in India, as well as India products in Thailand. 

Mr. Prem is Founder and President of Promotional Export and Investment Trade Association (www.peita.org) and Thai-India Business club in Thailand (www.thai-india.com). 

Interview H.E. Chavalit Youngchaiyudh, Former Prime Minister of Thailand, saying about Thai-India Relationship and what Mr. Prem has done for both the countries.

H.E. Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputyh Prime Minister of Thailand, says about 30 years old friendship with Mr. Prem Piyasachadesh.

Mr. Prasert Piyasachadesh


- Assistant H.E. Korn Dabbaransi,
  Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
- Deputy Director, Studing Kra Canal Mega Project,
  Prime Minister Office Thailand (Thailand)
- Secretary to Thai-India Friendship Associaton
- Vice President Thai-India Business Club
- Deputy Honoraray Director Siam Citizen News
- Vice President We Love Moral Club

- Secretary for Foreign Affair to Assistant Minister Committee,
  Prime Minister Office (Thailand)
- Director Thai-India Business Council, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)
- Director South Asia, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)
- Director Middle East, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)
- Director Africa, Board of Trade of Thailand (BOT)
- Director Prime Minister Export Award, Halal Product

Mr. Kunal Goha
(Partner and Vice President)

Dr. Jitendra Soni
(Head India Market)

Mr. Sumesh Arora
(Head International Market)

Sr. Officer Marketing

A company called SCIC Tradex India Private Limited focuses on Thai-Indian trade and investigates economic prospects between the two nations. However, we also market Indian and Thai goods internationally. We have a strong business network of companies in the Asean areas because we are members of the PEITA Association in Thailand. Since India is one of the largest markets in the world and a major hub for consumer goods manufacture, SCIC TRADEX focuses on bringing high-quality products to the Indian market while also exporting Indian goods to other countries.